Fate/Stay Night PC ENG virsual novel
The one who obtains the Holy Grail will have any wish come true.The Holy Grail War.A great ritual that materializes the greatest holy artifact, the Holy Grail.There are two conditions to participate in this ritual.To be a magus, and to be a “Master” chosen by the Holy Grail.(The experience as a magus is not questioned if one has the aptitude)There are seven chosen Masters, and seven classes of Servants.
There is only one Holy Grail.If you wish for a miracle.Prove that you are the strongest with your powers.
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di buat oleh : Lkmn Hkm | this is wonderland
makasih udah mau baca artikel: Fate/Stay Night PC ENG virsual novel.artikel ini ditulis oleh Lkmn Hkm .hari Rabu, 18 Juni 2014.kalo mau sebar luasin artikel ini, tolong setain sumber link aslinya yah. kritik ,saran bisa lewat komentar ,thanx :D
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